REVO Tech Inc. GDPR Privacy Statement

REVO Tech Inc. ( is committed to safeguarding the information and privacy of our customers from which we collect and process data. This notice provides information and clarity on how your account data is handled by REVO Tech Inc.

1. Basis for collecting and processing data.

For to respond to general inquiries or to provide your requested products, we need to know and to collect certain types of data. We also acknowledge our services may be partially or purely informational to help guide you in product research, and selection. This data is collectively referred to as your account. Our legal basis for the collection and processing of your data are:

  • Contract – We provide electronic products in business to business engagements via agreements detailing products, quantity, price, shipping locations, and address. This information enables us to fulfill our obligations to those customers.
  • Consent – To make it possible for our customers to purchase our goods, they consent to the collection of only necessary material information including email addresses, phone numbers, names, payment information, and shipping addresses to enable the delivery of these goods and fulfillment of these services (Without this data business transactions could not take place).
  • Legitimate Interests – The goods we provide to customers includes product information, product availability, and stock status; information which is necessary for our customers to meet their obligations to their customers. Keeping them informed of alternate or optional products, ‘end of life’ notices, shortages, and new product introductions/demonstrations is key to both ours and their success.

2. Types of necessary data

To permit business to business transactions of our goods and services we ask you to provide to us:

  • Business Name, Email address, Shipping Address, Billing Address, (if applicable) VAT or Tax ID number, and Postal code
  • Business contact or representative information including first and last name, email address, telephone, and fax number
  • Payment information including bank account routing, or payment card data
  • Shipping information including product End Use Statements, Customs Declarations, shipping destination (domestic), destination country, receiver information, export control docs, permits, and exemption docs
  • In certain circumstances, additional data may be required so we can fulfill our responsibilities to you

3. International Transfers of Data

REVO Tech Inc is a global business with offices located in the United States, Europe, and Asia-Pacific (APAC). Our headquarters are physically located in Massachusetts, USA with warehousing in Massachusetts USA as well as in Hong Kong.

4. Retaining and Deleting of your account data

  • Retaining - will retain and manage your data only for a duration and in a manner necessary to honor our requirements, interests, and contractual obligations to our customers and to the extent required to comply with any and all legal and compliance requirements.
  • Reporting –; upon receipt and verification of you the requestor, will deliver to you a report of what data we have and how it is used.
  • Deleting* –; upon receipt of your written request and verification of you the requestor, will remove the data specified in your removal request. Notwithstanding any other provision or item in this section or document, we will retain your data where retention is required to meet a legal or compliance requirement.

5. Your Rights and Ours

  • You may:
    • Ask us to provide you with a report containing data relevant to you and in a format that is both understandable and accessible
    • Ask us to not use your data for internal marketing purposes
    • Ask us to correct or update your data
    • Ask us to delete* your data
  • We may:
    • Update or amend this privacy statement at any time without prior notice
    • Notify you of these updates or amendments via email at the address we currently hold for you
    • Ask you to verify your identity in the event you submit a data request to us
    • Respond to a subpoena or other legal demand, or request to provide data without prior notice

6. Our Contact Information – which also lists our privacy policy, cookie policy, and hosts our data subject request form and process.

[REVO Tech Inc.] [867 Boylston Street] [5th Floor #1221]
[Boston, MA 02116]